月度归档: 2023 年 9 月

4 篇文章

Database Systems: Lab1
Database Systems: Lab1 There are two questions in this Lab. The first question is giving four different relations and writing the SQL according to the relations. The second qu…
MySQL:Execute SQL By Programming
MySQL:Execute SQL By Programming Besides the Command Line, we can use the programming language to execute the SQL command. Such as Python, PHP, Java and so on. This blog will …
MySQL: Install MySQL and Start Use
MySQL: Install MySQL and Start Use Download MySQL If you need MySQL8.1 or other versions, you can click here: MySQL Community Downloads Just click "Download" and execute the "…
paddleocr 处理截图
paddleocr 处理截图 最早接触 paddleocr 是去年此时,面对大量的健康码、通行码需要检查,本想通过程序实现检测,可惜最后没有完成。 本次的任务为处理青年大学习的截图数据,思考了一会还是决定继续 ocr 的方案。 主要是对图片中文字信息进行提取,然后自定义字符串的处理逻辑从而达到目标效果。 本文不是关于 OCR 原理、PaddleOC…