2024 DSA Lab Prepare

2024 DSA Lab Prepare 为了正常运行代码,我们需要保证电脑上的编译器支持 C++11 标准,并且安装并正常配置了 Boost。 为了简化过程,这里统一使用小熊猫C++(DevC++)进行操作演示。可以在 小熊猫C++ 官网下载最新版。 如果你对编译器不是很了解,下载时请选择带编译器的版本。 Boost 安装 安装过程很简单: 官网…
Python:快速入门 为了辅助 Intelligence Systems 课程,本文提供一个快速理解 Python 代码的简易教程,部分表述和举例并不严谨,见谅。 对于基础语法、结构部分,文章会提供一些 c/c++ 的例子以供参考。 注意,不必纠结为什么这么写,语法只需要记住即可。 有点儿不一样? Python 和以往学习的 C/C++, Jav…
Database Systems: Lab1 There are two questions in this Lab. The first question is giving four different relations and writing the SQL according to the relations. The second qu…
Operating Systems: Lab 2 Banker’s Algorithm

Operating Systems: Lab 2 Banker's Algorithm Deadlock is a set of blocked processes each holding a resource and waiting to acquire a resource held by another process in the set…
Operating Systems: Lab 1 SPF(Shortest-Process-First)

Operating Systems: Lab 1 SPF(Shortest-Process-First) Shortest-Process-First(or Shortest-Job-First) Scheduling. This algorithm is sort with the brust time or remaining time, an…
Operating Systems: Lab 0 Threads
离散数学:Lab 1 命题逻辑
Basic-Computer-Science:Lab 4 Proposition ( 计算机科学基础 )
Basic-Computer-Science:Lab 3 Array ( 计算机科学基础 )
Basic-Computer-Science:Lab 2 Function(计算机科学基础)
Operating Systems: Lab 0 Threads This is probably not an Lab, just a little exercise. Here you can know the basic feature of the thread, and try to create the first thread by …
离散数学 Lab 1 命题逻辑 Explanation 老师并没有要求采用何种语言进行编写,这里还是优先采用了 C 语言。 在大部分程序设计语言中包含一定的逻辑/位运算符号,如:&(与) |(或) !(非) ^(异或) 等, 对应命题逻辑中的部分联结词,在书写程序的时候可以直接使用. 但为了表示出命题与命题变元之间的真值关系, 在本文中在多…
The lab of Basic Computer Science. Learning proporsition and implement the required methods specified in the lab specification.
The lab of Basic Computer Science. <\br>Learning Arrays and implement the required methods specified in the lab specification.
The lab of Basic Computer Science.
Learning Function and implement the required methods specified in the lab specification.